We Are Empowered is an incredible website that helps people share their stories about being bullied... and how they overcame it. "We Are Empowered is a project to spread the awareness of bullying, and empower the bullied to share their stories to begin to heal with others affected."
"I want kids and young adults to see how others are affected and learn that they aren’t the only one. The moment someone learns that other people are going through their struggle, they can open up and begin to talk about it. Bullying is not limited to a child being thrown into lockers, the context involves: cyber, disability, sexual orientation, legal, military, parental, prison, school, sexual, workplace bullying and others. Bullying starts early and might never end for some victims. I want to encourage middle school kids, to adults to submit photos."
Bullying, online and offline, is out of control. Read through all of the stories on the site...
And share their strength with others.
If you have been bullied, or know someone that has been bullied... know that there are others out there that have overcome a similar situation. Learn to love yourself.
Not only that, but God is on your side.
He created us in His own image. We are ALL a little bit weird, unique in our own ways. That doesn't mean we are WRONG or strange. Give thanks to God for this life you have been given and lift up others who are struggling. :)