"I feel beautiful."


Those three words were uttered in absolute amazement by a 17 year-old named Emily Jacobs. Emily has Down Syndrome and just accomplished something most girls in high school only dream of.



Emily is a sweet girl, a friend to many and a little ball of sunshine. Everyone in Rochester High School in Rochester, MI, loves Emily. That's why it's not a big surprise when the RHS senior class voted for her as homecoming queen.


They even created a Twitter movement to get her in, and it worked: #voteforemily.


"I never imagined this would happen," Emily's mother Cheryl Jacobs said. "It's an overwhelming show of support. It's very heartwarming."


Emily got the biggest standing ovation at the ceremony. She was filled with joy and that sight is so uplifting.


Everyone, especially children, should know that they are very special and that they are loved. What these high school seniors did for Emily is so heartwarming.


But we think this special little girl might have won, even without their help. :)

