Rescuers heard a mysterious voice saying "Help us, Help me." God sent angels to save this baby girl's life as she was hanging upside down in a car crash. And Lily's life was not the only one saved that day. One of the police officers who responded to the call credits this rescue with saving his soul!


A Mysterious Voice

Four police officers with the Spanish Fork Police Department rushed to help an overturned car in an icy Utah river. All four say they heard the same thing: a mysterious female voice calling out “Help!” from inside the vehicle.


credit: KSL


However, the driver of the car, Jenny Groesbeck, was already dead when first responders arrived. And her 18-month-old daughter, Lily, was hanging upside down unconscious.


The mysterious voice confused the officers at first, but they all knew something much bigger was at hand.


(No mystery to was the voice of God directing these men. This is what a MIRACLE looks like!)


Ezekiel 43:2 says, "And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the east and His voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with His glory."



A Startling Scene

Officer Jared Warner of the Spanish Fork Police Department was one of the first who came to the rescue of tiny Lily Groesback, who was strapped in a seat in the back of her mother’s car, which was hanging upside down in 40-degree water.


“We’ve gotten together and just talk about it and all four of us can swear that we heard somebody inside the car saying, ‘Help,’” Jared told KSL.


But when they flipped over the mid-sized car, they discovered the 25-year-old mother dead in the front seat and her daughter, Lily, unconscious in her car seat.


credit: Deseret News


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