This Flirty Note Was A Complete Surprise


Brené Brown is an impressive lady. She has her Ph.D. in social work, is the author of three #1 New York Times Bestsellers, a public speaker and a research professor at the University of Houston. In addition to teaching, writing and researching, she spends her time traveling to lecture about what she's learned through her studies on topics like vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. Needless to say, she's extremely busy and is used to being recognized for her brain.




So, she was caught completely off-guard when she came out of the gym to find a flirty note scrawled on a napkin and tucked onto the windshield of her car.


Credit: Facebook


The note read:

"You are really cute. I am going 2-stepping tonight, if you would like to join me. Call me."


It ended with the phone number belonging to her secret admirer.



At first she was completely taken aback. Who could have left such a brazen letter? After all, she was a happily married woman and mother of two.


Credit: Facebook


But, after staring at the phone number for a few, she decided she'd give it a call and accept the offer. And that's because the handwriting and the phone number belonged to her husband of nearly 22 years -- Steve!

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Credit: Facebook


The simple act completely brightened Brené's day -- so much so that she shared it on her Facebook page, where commenters shared some of their own special moments with their partners.


The beautiful thing about Brené's story (which is surely part of the reason she shared it) is that it reminds us just how powerful the little things are. The stories shared by those that commented on Brené's post only confirmed this. As folks reminisced about the moments that created the most joy in their relationships, what they all shared in common was that they were small, spontaneous acts intended to simply show love. Nothing elaborate - just a short note, a smile or kind word at the right moment, a small gift like a single flower or favorite treat.


It's really just about finding a personal way to say, " Hey -- I see you, and I love you!" And this idea is not just for the married folks. Taking a minute out of the day to acknowledge and appreciate someone who is important to us is good for any relationship.


So, what spontaneous act of love will you do for someone today?


"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8



This husband's response to the lewd text he got from the nanny is just awesome!



1 Peter 4:8


h/t: GodUpdates