You might be intimidated by his name, but Bonedigger is 500 lb. lion with a bone disability that has allowed him to show how gentle and loving he really is. – He is really a giant kitten with a cool mane.


Milo is a miniature dachshund “hot dog" who befriended Bonedigger when they were just 4 weeks old -- and five years later they remain the best of friends.


Hot-dog helps to clean lion


Milo’s other dog friends sensed that the lion was disabled as a cub, and they made it their mission to bring Bonedigger comfort and protection.


Dog friends protect lion


These thoughtful animals have even extended their loving grace to the park manager who lost his legs in a bungee jumping accident.


Lion and dog befriends human with one leg


We surely can take a lesson from these animals! It doesn’t matter how different we are, we all need each other’s love; and serving others has immeasurable rewards!


credit:  worthy to share 


Psalm 100:2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.