Although 2012 was a year full of tragedies, there were many bright spots throughout the year - and we want you to remember them before 2012 is over! These are simply some of the best that have happened in the past year. They will put a smile on your face and hope in your heart. Enjoy!
1.) The amazing Halloween costume a dad made for his little boy in a wheelchair.
2.) The terminally ill man who loved receiving mail and got one of the biggest surprises of his life. His nephew posted his mailing address on, asking users to write to his uncle. In response, hundreds of letters, packages and gifts were sent to the ailing man.
3.) The thoughtful stranger who, during a downpour, made sure someone's car interior (and day!) didn't get ruined.
4.) The doctor in NYC who offered free medical care to those in need during Hurricane Sandy.

5.) The kind citizens of Manhattan helping out their neighbors who were out of power, lost their pets, needed fuel and more!

6.) The older couple who paid for a younger married couple's meal to brighten their day.

7.) The child in Lybia who didn't want to hate.

8.) The parents who tattooed their own insulin pumps on their stomach, just so their diabetic son didn't feel like he was different.

9.) The police officer who bought a pair of boots for a homeless man without shoes.

10.) The police officers who gave a blind 13 year old boy the chance to make his dreams come true.

11.) The Michigan soccer team that gave their manager with Down Syndrome a chance to play with them.

12.) The amazing woman who kept a homeless man she didn't know dry during a thunderstorm.

13.) The security guard at Disney World who made the days of little princesses all over the park.

14.) The men in Iceland who rescued a sheep buried underneath the snow during a storm.

15.) The little girl who loves her dog unconditionally.

16.) The rugby player who visited his biggest fan in the hospital.

17.) The two boys who worked hard to save a cat stuck in a river.

18.) The little boy who built an arcade out of cardboard boxes.

19.) The NFL star who gave children a chance to go on a shopping spree.

20.) The man who comforts the old, arthritic best friend that saved his life.

21.) The parents who gave out gift bags on their babies' first flight.

22.) The couple who wouldn't let anything stop their love.

23.) And finally, the best friends that will melt your heart!

See? 2012 was a great year after all! God Bless and have a wonderful 2013!