You don't normally see a dog and a duck hanging out, but these two are inseparable friends! Skip the terrier and Fifty Pence the mallard duck became friends when they met each other at a rehabilitation center for wounded animals. Fifty Pence was brought in when she was only about a day old. She was found in the woods being hunted by a fox, but a good samaritan intervened.
As she recovered at the center, she became very interested in the dogs and the dogs in her. Skip especially. Once she was able to wander on her own, she would follow him around like he was her mom.
Now the two are completely inseparable! She will cuddle up with Skip when it's time to sleep and play in the yard with him when he has his ball. They are the best of friends.
One day, Fifty might be strong enough to fly away. Or she might befriend some wild ducks in a nearby pond. When that day comes, everyone will be sad to see her go, especially Skip. But for now they are just truly enjoying each other's company.